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बेंगलुरु/नई दिल्ली। कर्नाटक के नेता और खनन कारोबारी जी जनार्दन रेड्डी अब कालेधन को सफेद करने के आरोपों के बाद नई मुश्किलों में फंसते नजर आ रहे हैं। बता दें कि जनार्दन रेड्डी ने हाल में अपनी बेटी की भव्य शादी की थी और इस ...आगे पढ़ें asiakhabar.com | December 8, 2016 | 1:37 pm IST

Hold the ball with two hands on your right side at your hip

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Bag alterations its appearance really steadily after it is

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The Optoma ML1000P is perfectly designed and it delivers a

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Two of the different types of Mulberry handbags are the Mulberry Bayswater bag and the Mulberry Roxanne. Mulberry Bayswater became an icon to the flamboyant ladies. The satchel shape figure and the exquisite feature made this bag one of the most popular Mulberry handbags ever ...आगे पढ़ें asiakhabar.com | August 4, 2013 | 5:41 am IST

Lots of it! But a good hot sauce is not just about heat

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The study shows drastically increased rates of birth defects in children who are exposed to SSRI drugs (antidepressants) while in the womb. The risk of miscarriages also skyrockets with antidepressant drug use during pregnancy. Urato is also warning that at least 40 studies now link ...आगे पढ़ें asiakhabar.com | August 2, 2013 | 4:43 pm IST

But what about you? Can you run a marathon?

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Cardio exercise such as brisk walking in conjunction with your diet and weight loss system will strengthen knee joints as you shed the pounds. Recent studies have found that obese people and those with a large waist size are at higher risk for lower back ...आगे पढ़ें asiakhabar.com | August 1, 2013 | 5:46 am IST

The key is to start off with the natty gritty and work your

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